Self-consumption optimisation
Efficient use of solar power: commercial & industrial storage systems as a clever addition to your photovoltaic system
Commercial and industrial storage systems offer the ideal solution for utilising more of your self-generated solar power. At a time when electricity prices are rising relentlessly, many people are looking for ways to maximise their independence from energy suppliers. The key advantage is that these storage systems allow you to efficiently utilise the surplus electricity you produce yourself at times of day when there is little light.
Without the use of storage systems, the surplus solar power is fed into the grid unused, is no longer available for self-consumption and is therefore lost. At the same time, this means that additional electricity has to be drawn from the grid when needed. An energy storage system is the key solution for efficient energy management.
The positive effect of these measures is noticeable: the amount and frequency of electricity drawn from the grid is reduced sustainably, which leads to a long-term reduction in your electricity costs.
Invest in the future of your energy supply with innovative storage solutions.
Your advantages at a glance
Utilisation of self-generated renewable energies
Reduction of external electricity costs
Ideal for manufacturing industries, public institutions & sustainable companies