Careers in the field of renewable energies are a top topic at Girls' and Boys' Day 2023

PRESS RELEASE - Hamburg, 27.04.2023
Björn Nowosadtko, Managing Director of AKKU SYS GmbH.

Hamburg - The success of the energy transition requires many young people to take up professions such as refrigeration technician, electrician or solar technician. The young generation bears a lot of responsibility with their career decisions. AKKU SYS has now opened its doors to girls and boys interested in technology.

Girls and boys aged between 13 and 18 were able to get a taste of what it's like to watch solar technicians at work. For example, photovoltaic modules were installed, wired to the inverter and integrated into the existing energy management system. This was followed by technical monitoring.

Energy transition and climate protection are the key issues of the present and future, as became clear during a final discussion with the young people. AKKU SYS is convinced that the decision in favour of technical professions plays a central role in shaping this future. That is why the company is actively committed to getting girls and boys interested in these exciting professions.

Manuela Biesterfeldt, Head of HR at AKKU SYSWith predominantly female managers in the company, we are showing how things can be done in a world of technology. Nevertheless, women are severely underrepresented in all areas of renewable energy technology. This is particularly true in the areas of assembly and electrics, while male employees often make up a small proportion in administration."

Ready for photovoltaic school projects and open to career changers

The use of renewable energies is a great opportunity for all generations that must not be wasted. The demand for photovoltaic technology from customers - including school authorities - is currently very high. AKKU SYS is generally open to projects with secondary schools in the region on the topic, supported by technology and offers for vocational schools.

There are currently numerous vacancies at AKKU SYS to be filled. There is often the option of doing an internship first to find out more. "We also offer career changers the opportunity to find out more about the company and the professions through short-term internships," emphasises Björn Nowosadtko, Managing Director of AKKU SYS.


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About Girls' Day and Boys' Day

The Action Days are the world's largest career guidance programme, which promotes the idea of choosing a career and course of study free of role stereotypes and creates scope for individual experience. Pupils from year 5 onwards visit companies or universities and meet role models in professions who encourage them to discover the diversity of the world of work for themselves.

Girls' Day is organised for girls in areas such as IT, trades, natural sciences and technology. On Boys' Day, boys learn about careers and study programmes in nursing, education, the service sector or social work. and


As a value-added distributor for energy solutions AKKU SYS actively involved in the energy transition. From mignon cells to solar systems and energy storage systems, the company has the right products and services for almost every area of application and every size.

The Group has been in existence for 15 years and has several branches in Germany and other European countries. The expansion of renewable energies is a key driver of the business model. More than 250 employees generated sales totalling 205 million euros in 2023. AKKU SYS has access to an extensive specialist network with over 20,000 partners.

Queries from the press

Hannah Wolff
Head of Brand & Communications
Phone +49 4101 - 50 55 930

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Image material from the media centre: Royalty-free use exclusively for journalistic press coverage of the company (excluding advertising / content marketing). Citation of source: AKKU SYS / - Please also note any further information and copyright notices.