Heat pumps
The Efficient and Eco-Friendly Heating Alternative
Expand your range with resource-saving heat pumps and ensure that your customers heat efficiently. You increase energy self-sufficiency and reduce heating costs. As you use renewable energy with a heat pump, you also reduce CO₂ emissions.
We offer comprehensive technical support and training for the installation and maintenance of our systems. When selecting manufacturers, we pay attention to high-quality materials and branded components.
Contact us for a personalised consultation. Convince your customers of the advanced system for hot water and heat - the heat pump.
Your Advantages
- COP up to 5 (Coefficient of Performance) ensures high thermal energy gain with low energy consumption and therefore low energy costs
- SG-Ready (SmartGrid-Ready): Can be controlled by smart energy management systems
- R290 (propane): The most modern and environmentally friendly refrigerant
- Quiet operation: Suitable for residential areas thanks to low-noise technology
- Durable: Robust materials and low-maintenance technology ensure a long service life
- Various sizes
- Very easy to install
- Wide range of possible applications: Combination or replacement of the previous heating system
Heating or Hot Water Preparation
Heat pumps utilise free, renewable environmental energy from the air to heat or warm water. Our heat pumps work with the refrigerant propane R290. Its Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a very low value of 3, making it particularly environmentally friendly. The GWP indicates the contribution to global warming. For comparison: The refrigerant R32, e.g., has a GWP of 675. From 2025, only refrigerants with a maximum GWP of 750 may be used in heating systems.
Sector Coupling: Our heat pumps are SG-Ready. This means they can be intelligently controlled with a HEMS (Home Energy Management System). Increase self-consumption and the degree of self-sufficiency by integrating them into an existing photovoltaic system.
Domestic hot water heat pump
The domestic hot water (DHW) heat pump heats drinking water for your customers' domestic use. Our a-TroniX DHW heat pumps are available with durable stainless steel water tanks in 200 l and 300 l sizes. The integrated 1.5 kW heating element enables the domestic hot water to be heated up more quickly.
The DHW heat pump can be combined with an existing heating system, e.g. a gas heating system. This allows your customers to reduce energy costs and at the same time protect the gas boiler from cycling in summer, i.e. the frequent switching on and off of the system.
Coming Soon: Air-to-Water Heat Pump
To further expand our range, monobloc heat pumps in various sizes will follow soon. The air-to-water heat pump can completely replace the existing heating system. It heats the house and can also heat the domestic hot water using a heat exchanger. With monobloc heat pumps, the compression and vaporisation cycle takes place in a single appliance.
Do You Have Questions about Heat Pump Technology?
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our heat pumps. If your question is not listed, please contact us. We will be happy to help you. We will be happy to help you.
How efficient are AKKU SYS heat pumps?
Can the heat pumps be combined with existing heating systems?
Both the domestic hot water heat pump and the air-to-water heat pump are an ideal complement to a PV system. They increase the degree of self-sufficiency and the self-consumption rate.
How long do the heat pumps last?
How do I choose the right heat pump?
The air-to-water heat pump, in our case a monobloc heat pump, is installed outside the house and can be used as the sole heating system.
Our experts will be happy to help you find the right appliance for your customers' requirements.