CMS Berlin: Battery-powered systems in the focus of the cleaning industry

PRESS RELEASE - Hamburg, 21.09.2023
AKKU SYS presents solutions at CMS, the leading trade fair for cleaning and hygiene.

Hamburg / Berlin - Cleaning companies in Germany are facing an increasing shortage of skilled labour. The use of battery-operated systems makes work easier and enables reliable service. In addition to innovations characterised by AI and robotics, experts are increasingly focusing on sustainability. What is important when it comes to energy technology AKKU SYSwholesaler for energy systems at the CMS.

Digitalisation is significantly shaping the cleaning industry through the use of a new generation of autonomous cleaning robots and automated processes, with battery technology playing a special role. The international cleaning industry is meeting in Berlin until 22 September with around 25,000 experts from 80 countries.

Digital and sustainable solutions are the focal points for the participants. Innovations are characterised by increasing digitalisation, the use of artificial intelligence and constantly improving battery technology. However, the shortage of personnel is also increasingly becoming an obstacle to growth, as commercial cleaning remains a labour-intensive sector. Service providers and clients are therefore looking forward to innovations that make work easier.

Lots of research and development from Germany

The greatest potential is expected to come from research and development in the domestic industry, but impetus is also coming from other countries. "German companies continue to be innovators in this segment," reports AKKU SYS Specialist Caspar Garve. At the wholesaler's stand, Garve will be demonstrating to interested customers interesting facts about the performance of the battery technology used, for example in so-called vacuum-mopping machines. Cleaning machines for service companies become real 'game changers' when they can be operated without a driver and used over a long period of time thanks to an optimised energy supply. Whether with or without skilled labour, the use of the right and sustainable battery technology plays a decisive role. In terms of price, flexibility and availability, the expert advises open-technology systems in which replacement and replacement are not tied to the manufacturer of the device. In terms of sustainability, battery technology should be sourced from a specialised company. For example, wholesalers AKKU SYS lead batteries free of charge from customers and transfers the valuable raw materials back into a certified and closed recycling loop for reprocessing.

Countering obstacles to growth through digitalisation

Flexibility and ergonomics are also making progress in the cleaning machine sector thanks to ever-improving battery technology. Nevertheless, commercial cleaning as a whole remains a very labour-intensive sector in which staff shortages are increasingly becoming an obstacle to growth. Jobs remain unfilled and some companies are unable to deliver, which is a problem for clients in particular.

There are numerous examples of this: In the case of photovoltaics, for example, cleaning processes are critical factors for energy production and longevity. If roads and footpaths are not cleaned regularly by sweepers, they quickly fall into a state that is critical for repair, with exponentially higher costs for the public sector. Good hygiene through reliable cleaning is a critical factor in many healthcare facilities.

Innovation, co-robotics or AI can be an overarching answer to the challenge. The team of experts from AKKU SYS provides valuable advice on site and in the field on how such systems can be reliably planned and supplied with energy.


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About CMS Berlin

The CMS Berlin will take place from 19 - 22 September 2023 and is the leading trade fair for cleaning and hygiene. Around 25,000 industry representatives, including around 21,000 trade visitors from 80 countries, will attend the four-day trade fair to find out about the current range of products and services for commercial cleaning.

CMS Berlin is organised every two years by Messe Berlin GmbH. The supporting organisations are the Federal Guild Association of the Building Cleaning Trade (BIV), Bonn; the Cleaning Systems Association of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA), Frankfurt/Main; and the Industrial Association for Hygiene and Surface Protection for Industrial and Institutional Applications (IHO), Frankfurt/Main. and for press photos:


As a value-added distributor for energy solutions AKKU SYS actively involved in the energy transition. From mignon cells to solar systems and energy storage systems, the company has the right products and services for almost every area of application and every size.

The Group has been in existence for 15 years and has several branches in Germany and other European countries. The expansion of renewable energies is a key driver of the business model. More than 250 employees generated sales totalling 205 million euros in 2023. AKKU SYS has access to an extensive specialist network with over 20,000 partners.

Queries from the press

Hannah Wolff
Head of Brand & Communications
Phone +49 4101 - 50 55 930

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Image material from the media centre: Royalty-free use exclusively for journalistic press coverage of the company (excluding advertising / content marketing). Citation of source: AKKU SYS / - Please also note any further information and copyright notices.