
76 trees already in our review forest

World Environment Day

With your help, we can make every day an environmental day, because for every customer review we have ReviewForest plant a tree ...
Tag der Erde

Earth Day

Restore our Earth - Under this motto, our colleagues set out with empty buckets and carts to collect rubbish...
Happy international Women's day

Happy international Women’s day

Everywhere there is talk about quotas for women, but in our company this is not an issue at all, because with a proportion of 47% female employees we are right at the forefront. Women are also heavily involved in management positions at our company: Marketing, accounting, human resources, e-commerce and purchasing are all headed by women. With this in mind, we congratulate all women on International Women's Day and hope that at some point a women's quota will no longer be mandatory, but will simply be lived.
Record 1785 shipments

Record – 1,785 packed shipments

Gestern wurden 1.785 Sendungen verpackt – unser Rekord! Wir bedanken uns bei dieser Gelegenheit bei unseren emsigen Lager-Bienen sowie bei unseren treuen Kunden für das weiterhin hohe Auftragsvolumen und dessen Bewältigung!

Supported Mecklenburg-Vorpommern